Saturday, May 26, 2012

Natural Looking Makeup - Covering The Make Up While Taking Out The Beauty In You

By Daniel Turbin

Natural looking makeup is amongst the finest looks obtainable for everyday ladies. We may well admire Lady GaGa's outlandish blue streaks or Nikki Minaj's Egyptian kohl rimmed eyes but not everyone can pull these styles off. There are lots of natural looking makeup tips to be discovered both on and offline since countless makeup artists have unveiled books filled with their tips and secret tricks to natural beauty. The great advantage of natural make-up is the fact that it is really all you, the changing and tucking enhancements with this makeup style they are simply to emphasize what's already there.

When starting up your natural looking makeup application it is very important to make sure your face is properly clean and exfoliated ahead of time. Some skin get's very irritated with makeup so cleansing beforehand will make sure there are no bacteria waiting to cause trouble. Make-up should be replaces roughly every 3 years so if you have seen break outs and it has been longer then chances are you have to throw some of your products away and purchase fresh. Think of this as part preparing the canvas to paint your natural looking masterpiece. The following step is to hydrate, ideally with something that has a little tint to it however this isn't vital.

What is important is to be sure your moisturizer has a good SPF. The SPF prevents daily problems for your facial skin so it is an important part. If you have any dark spots or zits that need covering this is the time. Choose a concealer that has lots of pigment to it so it is not opaque. A lot of people mess this part up by piling concealer on however a better quality concealer will work far better with less. Using too much concealer will make problem area's a lot more obvious so do not use too much, getting a concealer with added salicylic acid may be able to help those areas improve. Place a little under your eyes then blend to even out dark circles with your finger.

Right now is the point to actually begin with make-up. Utilize a powder if your skin gets oily and skip the moisturizer. To apply powder use a brush with a circular motion rather than a pad. This will help the make-up not look caked on or powdery and more natural. Blushes relies on your skin tone and season. For paler skin warm blushes such as a peach or pink will help draw out your natural glow while browns and bronzes will look odd a better on those with darker or more olive complexions. Avoid cooler tones because these will look fake and will appear to be more makeup like. A cream blush will help supply skin a natural flush when utilized along the cheekbone area with small circles. Use your finger to blend out a natural looking fade. You have now set the stage for your natural make-up masterpiece and so it is time to look at natural looking eye make-up.

Your eye make-up will be a little determined by your eye color. Brown eyes and blue eyes for example will have diverse tonal needs to accentuate their natural beauty. Daylight or at best very good quality natural light bulbs around your mirror will help provide you with the most accurate idea of how your makeup will look on the go. Natural looking makeup for blue eyes needs to contrast with the eye color to make it seem even bluer. Browns, grays, camel, taupe, blacks, charcoal, copper, pink violet, lilac, silver, or gold are good tones to use.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Makeup Tips In Summer

In Summer, the light from the sun is stronger than ever and so any imperfections on our faces may be highlighted more than in winter or in darker light.

However, it is essential in summer that you actually lighten your make up rather than increase it. If you cake on the make up in summer it will be visible for all to see and look quite stupid.

Furthermore, the heat of the sun may literally melt your face! with the result of not only looking bad but having a bad effect on your skin too.

Thus, stick to a little shimmering powder and highlight your eyes, maybe a little lipstick but otherwise leave as is.

Summer is not the time to pile on the makeup or whip up elaborate hairstyles. So, do I go bareface and pull my hair up into a knot every day to stay cool? I wish I could, but few of us can get away with that. So, here is a list of my favorites.

First of all comes the sunblock. I never go out the door without a little protection. My face is already thanking me for that!

While I might not apply a foundation, I do need a little color on my cheeks. I find that stains or blush creams give just the right amount of color and it looks natural.

There is nothing prettier than seeing shiny hair on the beach and nothing worse than seeing long, dull, tresses. But it takes a little work. The sun is hard on your hair too. Condition well and use products especially formulated for the summer sun.

I can get away without eye shadow, but I do need eye liner. And because I have oily lids, I always prep the lid. There is nothing worse that eye liner that has smeared. Not a pretty site. BTW, most cosmetic companies offer great products to prevent your eye makeup from melting.

Heavy lipsticks aren't for summer either. Look for something sheer. I often mix my lipsticks with a little petroleum jelly. It softens the color and offers great shine too.

Polish those toenails, and while you are at it, make sure that your heels are free of dead skin. You might not notice it, but everyone else will.

Keep your eyes open for little summer bags. I recently picked one up that was part of a set from Victoria Secret. Have you checked out their fragrances? Now, I not only smell good, I have a great little bag as well!

Another more helpful tips

Use a waterproof eyeliner for lasting power. You can also moisten your favourite shadow with water and apply it to your lash line.

Wear waterproof mascara to eliminate smudges under the eyes.

When it comes to cheeks, apply a stain to the apple to create a long-lasting effect.

Finish your look with the bronzer of your choice.

Once you apply your lipstick or gloss, place a tissue over your lips, run your finger across the paper and then remove the tissue. This will help to get rid of the excess but will not take away the pigment. Last but not least, have fun with your makeup. If you make a mistake you can always start again.
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Step-by-step Beauty Make Up Tips

Have you ever wanted to look like one of the gorgeous female celebrities in a magazine, but think you can't achieve that look because you don't have a personal makeup artist at your beck-and-call? Well, I'm here to give you a few pointers that anyone can follow. It must be told that anyone can have a winning look, and that includes you!

If you thought those ladies roll out of bed looking flawless every morning, nothing could be further from the truth. Even the brightest stars in Hollywood wouldn't be caught dead without their "face" on. You shouldn't either.

So what? You don't have a personal makeup artist. That's irrelevant. You won't need one when I lay down the Makeup Basics for you. With these tips, you'll be looking like a star in no time!

First, where else would we start but with your foundation? It didn't get this name for nothin'. That's your starting point, and the key is to find one that looks like you don't have any on! For some, it's a powder to be brushed on. For others, it's a liquid to be smoothed on. But whichever you use, you want to appear au naturel.

Second, for your cheeks, eyes, and lips, keep the colors neutral...especially if you're a beginner. Browns, oranges, greens and golds, earth tones, are always going to be your best bet regardless of your complexion. So for your cheeks, get a large brush and right along your cheekbones, sweep the color of your choice up towards your temples. The easiest way to find the path is to suck your cheeks in like a fish, and the bony structure is where you want to apply the color.

Lip gloss is what's hot, these days! So, this part is easy. Find a color that looks good on you, in a neutral tone, of course, and spread it on thick! For the lips, the glossier, the better!

Your eyes are where the look will totally come together, so this is the part you really want to get right! Select three colors. For instance, a dark brown, a burnt orange, and gold. Close your eye and apply the dark brown in the crease of your eye. Try not to go too far in (towards the inside corners of your eyes).

Next, take the burnt orange and apply it right along the top of your eyelid (right above the lashes). This time, start from the inside corner and work your way out towards your cheek. Then, trace the underside of your arched eyebrow with the gold shadow. Finish off with sweeping the lashes with a black mascara.

Close the other eye and repeat the steps above. Now, go find yourself a mirror and marvel at the most beautiful woman the world has ever seen! Aren't you gorgeous? Now, I have a question for you: May I have your autograph? Best wishes, Movie Star!
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Quick And Easy Steps To Becoming Beautiful

By Claude Moore

Everyone has a right to look great, and people tend to feel better when they look good. Hardly anyone sets out in the morning with the intentions of making themselves appear unattractive. Now you know how to be more beautiful! This article will discuss some of the various ways to do this.

Make sure to apply your nail polish several hours before you typically go to bed. Giving your nails a base coat, a coat or two of color as well as a top coat to make the polish last as long as possible. It is okay if a few drops get on your skin. You are going to shower when you get up anyway, so use this opportunity to simply wash off the excess nail polish. This is an easy do-it-yourself manicure and pedicure tip.

Do not forget to put Visine into your beauty kit. For whatever reason, you may need it to combat red and irritated eyes. Red, tired eyes can make you look old. You can clear up this problem with a few drops of Visine. Did you know it clears up acne as well? Put a little on your pimple and allow it to air dry. Your skin will look better before you know it.

The first step in improving your outward appearance is to improve your mental and emotional state. Most of the differences between people who present themselves positively and those who do not simply comes down to having the right information. Once you get caught up on proper beauty techniques, it makes it much easier to care for yourself.

To help open up smaller eyes, take advantage of the effects of layering your eye makeup. Apply primer, followed by foundation and powder. After this, use a highlighting shadow, focusing on the inner corners of your eyes. Eyeliner should be applied then smudged to create a smoky look. These tips can help give you beautiful, wide eyes.

Having nice eyelashes will greatly improve the appearance of your face. Prior to your mascara application, use your eyelash curler. The end results will be stunning.

Be sure to exfoliate your face on a regular basis. If you suffer from dry or very sensitive skin, you can safely exfoliate facial skin as much as three times each week. It is important to do this at least once. Your healthy skin cells are beneath the surface, so if you never exfoliate, they stay hidden. Doing so will give your face a healthy glow, and keep oils and dirt from building up.

Use kitchen sponges as a scrub in the bathtub. These sponges are just as effective, not to mention cheaper to buy in bulk.

Look down when you are applying the shadow to your lids. You should not apply direct pressure to your eyelids. Look down when applying your eyeshadow. You will be able to see your eyelid and not have to touch them.

Do not compare your looks to other people, especially if they are famous. You should only be concerned about your own beauty. Just because some people consider them beautiful, does not mean that other people won't also think you are beautiful. Everybody's opinions are different when it comes to what's attractive and what's not. Look at yourself and be happy with the beauty you already have.

When you use liner on your lips try to make sure it is fairly close to the color of your lipstick. If your color is too far off, it will draw the eye to the edges of the lips, rather than the lips themselves.

Here is a way to make your eyes attractive and appear larger: just brush on dark mascara. It is best to use a waterproof product. Keep extra mascara wands handy so you are able to break clumps up and get rid of flakes around your eyes.

See if you have allergies prior to using false eyelashes. You can test the eyelash glue on your arm, and see if the skin breaks out in an allergic reaction. Protect the test area with a piece of gauze or cloth.

Eating good food is a chemical-free way to become beautiful and stay that way. A sensible, healthy diet not only makes you feel better; it has a positive effect on your looks as well. As a result, you will feel and even look better.

As commented on above, beauty is only skin deep. It is not about being perfect, but it is about being the very best you can be. By using the tips laid out here, you will realize all kinds of beauty in yourself and be able to show it off.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Top Make Up Secrets To Look Gorgeous In Summer Time

Right amount as well as type of makeup, well cared epidermis are significant components when it comes to produce epidermis which shines beauty in summer season. This summer, you might desire to increase the care you put into your epidermis so you look refreshed, alive and amazingly beautiful.

In the summer time months, with the temperature kicked up a few degrees, it is very important to protect your skin. Using sunblock and a reduced amount of makeup it is your primary step to create attractive appearance of your complexion, also to feel better.

Try Moisturizer

Over using make up is well recognized mistake females used to make through the summer monts. You can harm your skin and go into acne problem if you will apply too much makeup, what will clog your skin pores and your skin will start to sweat.

Tinted moisturizer would be better option in summer days than liquid foundation. Liquid foundations simply are not just as healthy as moisturizers throughout summer. Your makeup will not feel to your skin, while the tone of your epidermis will be even with tinted moisturizers.

Use Bronzer Correctly

Darkening products might be good option when summer time season starts. They will make your skin look darker, making your skin look like you have gotten lots of sun. Avoid products that are heavy, though. It's better to create warm, healthy glow by applying tiny amount of bronzer instead of heavy products.

Proper application will produce excellent look. Apply a tiny amount in those areas where the sun naturally hits your epidermis, such as your nose, cheeks, and the chin area. When applying it, apply a thin fan shaped brush. It's easier to create light, subtle realistic look by applying the product with thin fan shaped brush. Blush in not needed if you are thinking of using bronzer. Bronzer in this case is excellent by itself. On the other hand, if you are not using a bronzer, then go with a peach colored blush for the greatest results.

Watch The Eyeliner

In the next step we will focus on your eyes. Summer months and eyeliners? It's not the best connection. The humidity can really cause the eyeliner to smudge easily which would ruin your whole look. This only happens, though, with liquid or pencil based liners. No matter what the eye is, if you change to eyeliners based on powder, your look will still look spectacular no matter what.

You can find a variety of colors and styles available. For those planning to spend some time in the water, try waterproof eyeliner or just skip it.

More secrets

Consider following secrets:
- Vanilla or golden hues are excellent for eye shadow in summer time.
- Try a tinted, SPF lip balm for your lips. Summer looks are beautiful if you use softer colors instead od darker. Some products contain conditioners, which are a big plus.
- Mascara has to be waterproof and you may not even need it during the summer time.

I hope you enjoyed the article and my makeup advice for summer. They will help you to create healthier and gorgeous look in hot summer time days and guys? They will not stop looking after you.

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Best Makeup Secrets For Teenagers

As a teenager, your goal is to find a makeup look that helps to express who you are. It is not uncommon for girls to use a variety of different styles, changing their look as often as day to day. Makeup is a tool of expression.

It allows you to state your defiance or to enhance your beauty. You can be as creative and unique with it as you like. But, the following are a few tips that can help any teen to have healthy skin.

Healthy Skin Starts At The Foundation

Most teens do not need to use many foundation products. Their skin is health and beautiful as it is. If you do not need it, do not use it! This is a secret tip that you should take full advantage of until you can no longer do so.

Also, do not make the mistake so many do. Do not over apply dark toned foundation to your skin and hope it looks like its tanned. It will not.

Skin Care Will Help

To make sure your look looks fantastic, you need to invest in quality skin care. Use a product that helps to remove the oil from your skin, if you have oily skin.

If you have acne, be sure to keep your skin as dry and clean as possible. Not over applying makeup will also help to keep your pores healthy, which really affects the skin quality.

Teenager makeup secrets are the simple things. Apply colors that work well together, rather than battle for attention. Also, choose just one area of your face to focus on, such as your eyes or your lips.

Apply more there, and ensure the color brings out your look. These makeup secrets for teenagers are easy to use but offer great results no matter what style or theme you are after.
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